chris gill

Who is Chris Gill?

I've worked in IT since January 1989. Started off at the "help desk" (now called "service desk") taking calls from people experiencing computer issues. Moved up to desktop support. These were the days before networking and remote support, so I had to go to people's offices to fix their computers. Eventually, I moved on to servers and networking, then managing people and projects. 

My goal is to share wisdom and observations I've collected over the years.


Creativity Inc
Amazon Audiobook

Highlights the importance of culture to achieve success. As the saying goes, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast". 

Start With Why
Amazon Audiobook

"Buy in" is important and understanding "why" something needs to be done can provide motivation to complete discretionary tasks.

Crucial Conversations Amazon Audiobook

The adult version of "The Emporers New Clothes". Highlights the importance of speaking up and being your boss or anybody.

Deep Work
Amazon Audiobook

Great info on how to focus and go into "turbo mode" with a given task. Super helpful for large tasks when you need to stay on schedule.